About Us
Santa Max and Mrs. Claus and Family

Santa Max
Santa Max has been a personal Santa to many of you up to 17 years in the Charlotte, NC area. He has been a professional Santa since 2000. (Click to check out Santa Max on Facebook)
Professionally, Harold Maxwell (MS in Agriculture and MA in Organizational Leadership from Western Kentucky University), is the CEO of Project Noah, Inc. a 501(c)(3) Kentucky nonprofit corporation. He oversees the construction, startup, operations, and market of all farm activities. He also received certification in Aquaponics from the University of the Virgin Islands.
Personally, “Max” (as friends and family call him) is married to Marge Maxwell and they have two children and seven grandchildren. His interests and hobbies include fly fishing, motorcycles, Scottish history, missions, world travel, and teaching sustainable farming.
Santa’s favorite cookie: Oatmeal Raison (any cookie really)
Santa’s favorite candy: Dark Chocolate Almonds

Mrs. Claus with Santa
Marge Maxwell is Santa Max’s wife and behind-the-scenes supervisor of the Santa Max Experience. She is the webmaster, designer of the ornaments, works with the elves, sets schedules, manages the registration and your valuable photos, answers all of your emails and questions, and more.
Professionally, Dr. Maxwell is an Emeritus professor (of Educational Technology) at Western Kentucky University and still teaches courses part-time. Marge received her B.S. in Special Education from UGA-Athens, and her M.S. (Special Education) and Ph.D. (Curriculum Instruction) from UNC-Chapel Hill. Dr. Maxwell has been teaching for over 40 years. She has published two college textbooks, with two other colleagues.
Personally, she is married to Harold Maxwell, aka Santa Max. She and Santa have one daughter, Noel (yes, birthday on Christmas eve!), living in Germany with her awesome Army husband. Santa’s son, Nathan, is married with six children. Marge’s interests and hobbies include reading, sewing, plants, travel, and teaching techniques.
Mrs. Claus’ favorite cookie: White chocolate macadamia nut
Mrs. Claus’ favorite candy: Peppermint/chocolate bark
We have committed 50% of the profits of the Santa Max Experience, LLC. to missions!

Santa’s family
Amanda, Douthard, Matthew, Autumn, Santa Max, Zang, Torri, Madison, Andrew, Mrs. Claus (Nathan and Noah are missing)

Santa’s Daughter, Noel (seated with her dog, Elsa) and awesome friend, Skyler
Noel below as Princess Elsa with her dad, Santa Max